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Only 1 in 4 infants is exclusively breastfed as recommended by the time they are 6 months old and just 60% of mothers stop breastfeeding sooner than they planned (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
Research demonstrates that breastfeeding creates a unique and powerful emotional experience between the mother and the baby.
However, many moms and mostly primary moms feel confused or nervous because they have too many questions about breastfeeding. So, read the next questions and answers from the American Academy of Pediatrics to understand a little more about breastfeeding and how to be prepared.
How often to breastfed?
The simple answer is, “As often as he’s willing.” Don’t wait until he cries, crying is a late sign of hunger. He will show his desire to breastfeed long before he cries by smacking his lips, making suckling motions, moving his head in search of your breast, kicking and squirming, or looking more alert.
How Long Should a Mother Breastfeed?
The recommendation is to breastfeed your children for at least 1 year. The longer a child is breastfed, the greater the protection from long-term diseases and illnesses.
There are rare exceptions when breastfeeding is not recommended, some of them involve medications. There are medications that are not recommended while breastfeeding. Although many medications pass into breast milk, most have little or no effect on milk supply or on the infant’s well-being. Your medical provider can tell you the risks when prescribing medications while breastfeeding.
What do I have to evade when breastfeeding?
Healthier eating habits will help contribute to your baby’s health and development—as well as your own health. Food and drinks that you should avoid are:
(Fish high in mercury)
AAP says that it’s natural to wonder whether it’s all right to enjoy a cup of coffee with breakfast or a glass of wine with dinner without worrying that doing so will harm your baby. Fortunately, the mammary glands that produce your milk are able to provide your baby with highly nutritious milk even if your diet isn’t perfect every day.
If you have more questions schedule an appointment where our healthcare providers can answer any questions you have about breastfeeding